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Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)


  • Medication is routinely administered by approved staff but in emergencies may be authorised by members of the Senior Leadership Team. 


  • A copy of the school medicines policy is available on the website. 


  • All medication is appropriately stored in the school office or where appropriate in a locked cabinet.  The locked cabinet is controlled by limited access to the key.   


  • Any medications such as inhalers need to be clearly labelled to identify the child to whom it belongs. Checks are made and instructions read before a record of any administration is noted. 


  • Medication should be checked for expiry dates and parents are required to replace if necessary. 


  • Some medications are required to be kept refrigerated and these are kept in the office refrigerator.


  • A care plan is drawn up in conjunction between the parents/carers, child, staff and medical professionals.  The school nurse will work alongside parents and a meeting is called in school when the plan is agreed and signed by responsible staff.  The Head teacher agrees all care plans. 


  • Care plans are held centrally in the school office and with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.  Relevant staff also have access to the care plan.  They are reviewed by the school nurse at least annually or if circumstances change.  


  • The staff are briefed by the school nurse regularly about children with medical needs.  Additional training for staff or first aiders is arranged via the school nurse or specialist nurse practitioners.  


  • In the event of a medical emergency, the member of staff is instructed to make an initial assessment, contact a first aider.  The first aider will make the decision regarding treatment and consult as to whether to call for an ambulance.  The Head teacher is contacted immediately.  Key staff have mobiles or walkie talkies to contact the main office.  In the event of a serious incident an ambulance is called immediately, along with the emergency contact adults.  The school will provide copies of emergency details for all children. 


  • The school does not have any nurse, health or therapist in residence.  Any service can make an appointment to visit a child on site, with parental permission and subject to school safeguarding protocol.   


  • There are regular visits from the school nurse, speech and language services, CAMHS workers, educational psychologists, Inclusion and Disability Support Service and core offer providers. 
