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Teaching and Learning

The school works alongside all other professional agencies to support the identification and assessment of all pupils.   The school has excellent monitoring and tracking facilities which extend beyond academic development to ensure the identification of pupils with Special Educational Needs.   The school has a variety of internally trained staff to complement expertise from external agencies. 

Trained teaching assistants provide individual and group support for the broad spectrum of need.  The teaching assistants work closely with the class teacher to provide an appropriately differentiated and resourced curriculum. 

We have our own resources to facilitate the development of specific needs and utilise the support and advice of external agencies.  Where access is required to both low tech and high-tech communication aids and assistive technology this is provided.  Independent learning and development is a key aim of our provision. 

The school has a Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator and two members of staff who currently holds the National Special Educational Needs Coordinator role. The school has additional qualified staff and are given opportunities for regular training.   Specific training is provided as required. 

We have staff who are trained to meet the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and we purchase expertise and specialist input as required.  

Regular staff meetings and training days are used to support staff working with children. 

All reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that the needs of children are met during external tests and assessments.  This must be supported by professional advice and meet statutory criteria.

The school regularly updates the provision map at an individual and group level to ensure that appropriate resources are allocated to best meet children’s development.  

In the Nursery, Early Years and Foundation Stage guidance is followed to provide practitioners with the areas of learning that should be developed within the child’s current age range. Activities and routines are adapted to meet the needs of each individual child so that they can access their next developmental stages. It may be planned or unplanned through activities with the staff or in individual play time with the staff. 

Each child at the nursery has a key person who will develop a trusting and sensitive relationship with each of their children to ensure that the child flourishes whilst they spend time with us at the school's nursery. This key person will ensure that the child’s progress and development is monitored through the use of observations, photographs and evidence of your child’s work. If your child’s key person has identified a possible individual need, the key worker will be supported by the SENDCo to ensure that the correct pathways take place to put all necessary practices into place, so the child’s needs are met.