Computing Curriculum Rationale
All children from Reception to Year Six receive approximately one hour of Computing tuition each week using a suite of thirty computers and delivered by a dedicated subject teacher. This ensures that the Computing curriculum in our school has clear progression as well as differentiation in a cheerful and challenging environment. Keeping safe on the internet is at the heart of all activities and this is further reinforced via monthly Online Safety Newsletters which are sent to all adults in the school community.
Curriculum Intent
The Computing curriculum has been planned so that our children learn appropriate new skills each year as well as so-called "non-negotiables." Keyboard skills and use of a mouse (left/right click) are perhaps the most fundamental skills which need to be taught from the earliest stages. The "real world" and the children's own experiences are used as starting points for activities. By the end of their time at our school, the children will have used a wide variety of programs and hardware including PC's, iPads, Beebots, printers (2D and 3D) and Lego Technic.
Curriculum Implementation
The curriculum is planned using a themed structure. Age-appropriate aspects of Online Safety are taught through the themes studied as well as within stand-alone units. Cross-curricular work enables learnt skills to be put to practical use. (see below) All Key Stage Two children have their own network logins and a robust filtering system is in place to keep everyone safe.
Cross-Curricular Links
Cross- curricular work is completed whenever possible. Reference is made to the school's "Curriculum Map" and work may include:
- English links such as use of Bug Club, Microsoft Word
- Design Technology links such as 3-D graphical modelling, use of a 3-D printer
- Geographical links such as map work, use of Google Street View
- History links such as research work
- Science links such as use of Education City
Laptops and iPads are provided to supplement learning in individual classrooms.
Computing Progression Documents
These documents show what is covered each year in terms of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.
The following document outlines the basic skills which the children are expected to learn each year.